Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Valentines Day!

I am a girl of wants, it's sad I know, but at least I am not in denial! It should be a good thing for Jordan because he should never not know what to get me for Birthdays, holidays, Anniversaries. Don't worry, he says he still struggles. He was really cute this Valentines Day. He came home the day before with this huge beautiful tropical bouquet of flowers because if he brought them home Thursday I wouldn't get to enjoy them as much since I was leaving town. But it is also his thing that he thinks it's even more of a "surprise" if he brings things home a day before because I wasn't expecting it, but he does it all the time that way, so now I just expect things the day before, he's funny. =)

On Valentines morning he had three cards out. On the front of one it said Meeowwwmee, I did not get it, he was very disappointed he thought he was creative with that. It was a card from our cats...get it?! It was cute he wrote a message in there from "the cats" with coupons that I could redeem to Jordan to clean out the litter boxes with out complaints. Then I had one from the boys with coupons as well for getting up at night with out complaints when I am to tired to get up. He had a few in his card as well. Both the cats and the boys got me chocolate,they must have gone shopping together. Then he arranged for his brother and his wife to watch the boys so he could take me out on Friday night to dinner, it was our first night out with out the boys, it was very nice of them, especially because the evenings are their fussy times, we tried to make it quick. It was very creative and I am always grateful for all the special things he does me.

For Jordan I was really excited about what I got him, partly because I knew I would enjoy some of his gift. He recently got himself an Xbox 360, whatever, he never splurges on himself so I say good for him! I was going to get him a gift card so he coul buy a game, but I thought I wanted to give it a try, I don't love giving gift cards, I don't mind getting them, I just don't love giving them. So I got the #1 rated game of the year which he said he liked, and then I got this Xbox scene it game that came with 4 controllers so you can play teams, or individually with multiple people. We played it before I left to Boise and when I got back, we really enjoy it, so I was proud of myself. I was so excited when I got his gift I almost gave it to him early, but I held out.


aSHleY said...

Those flowers are beautiful! What a nice husband you have. How was your trip to Boise? I am excited for your post about it.

Travis, Kassie, Ellie and Haven said...

That was so sweet of Jordan, he needs to pass some advice over to Travis. Hope Ayden is feeling better

Nicole said...

I love the flowers, how creative! You two are too cute! What a fun Valentines Day! Also, props to you with the boys! I get sooooo tired with just one, I don't know how you do it with two! It's all worth it though, isn't it wonderful being a mother:)

JoJo said...

Hey will you ask MaryKate to invite Richard and I to her blog. Richard's email is l.richard.bird@gmail.com
I knew Brent in high school too and we'd love to see their little girl!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chandra, It's Deborah Yorgason from high school. I've seen your blog through a couple of people and thought I better let you know I'm looking. You're two boys are so cute. I can't believe you have twins. How old are they? I used the Healthy Sleep Habits... book too a little and it was great. My son didn't sleep through the night til he was 13 months. Anyway, it's good to catch u[ with you. Our blog is greganddeborahbarton.blogspot.com

Steph said...

Beautiful flowers!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see you and Beck in May!!! I am counting down the days now. Glad you had fun and made it to Boise. I freaking miss your cute butt Chany Chan!

The Gibson's said...

Hey Chandra, it's cambria I wasn't sure if you knew that I started a blog as well so I thought i would send you a little shout out. It looks like you have your hands full with your boys and let me tell you I understand. It sounds like you are doing an amazing job just remember what works for some doesn't work for others so you have to find what works for you and your boys. I would love to chat with you. I think you are amazing. You have a wonderful week.