Monday, May 9, 2011

Carter Jensen Smith

So, I was sitting on the couch at nap time, clipping this blanket that I had just finished sewing the night before for Carter when my water broke! I called Jordan about 100 times, texted him and e-mailed him and shortly after he finally called back so I could let him know he needed to come home. I got a hold of Jordan's Aunt Wendy who had just been over the day before watching my kids while I went to a Dr.'s appointment to see if she could come over again to watch our kids for us! She lives about 45 min away and she was right in the middle of an errand, so Jordan got home, we packed up the kids, he dropped me off, got the kids Mcdonald's and headed back to meet his Aunt at our house to drop the kids off. I was a bit nervous, our kids are a 2 person job, and his Aunt usually has her daughter with her when she comes over to watch our kids. I trust her completely, but bed time and nap time is about the hardest time of the day. And this time she was alone. I was so glad they all got their naps, bed time is 100 times worse when they don't. I know Heavenly Father was prepared and read for this day because the kids were great for her. I was mostly worried about Easton and having someone else put him to bed, but he did great and she said they were all well behaved and went to bed great for her, it was a huge relief. While at the hospital I kept asking Jordan to call and check on the kids, so knowing they were asleep and all was well helped me to relax! We are so grateful for all the help his Aunt and Cousin have been to us!!! It was way more than we could have asked for!

I got to the hospital about 4:30 and had Carter at 11:58pm. This labor and delivery was 100 times better than what I went through with Easton. I was at 100% when I got there but was stuck at a 4 forever!!! When it finally came time to push I seriously pushed for 10 minutes and he was out. What a difference it makes when the nurse doesn’t take the epidural away!! The nurses in delivery were great as well, I could not have asked for a better delivery, except for my tear, I could have done without that!! What a difference a 2 degree tear is from a 3 degree!!!

Jordan brought the kids to visit, Ava just wanted to sit by me, Easton, just wanted to run around the hospital and kept trying to get out the door, Ayden was just happy to be out of the house, but Gavin was happy to see me and Carter!

We were hoping to not have to deal with Jaundice this time, but we did. From the time I got out of the hospital I was back there everyday for like 4 or 5 days getting his blood drawn, and we had to have a Billy Bed dropped off so he could be under lights for the next few days. It was a whole lot better than having to get checked back in at the hospital like we did with Easton. He hated the bed and it took a while to figure out how to get him to feel comfortable. This sweet baby from night one has already let us know he prefers to stay in our bed. But i have been trying to make sure we start him out in the crib to keep trying to get him use to it, he has been doing better!

His 2nd bath given by us

He is getting cuter and cuter as each day goes by. It is amazing how different they look after a few days!

This was the best picture I could get with his dimples showing, He really has a lot of his Dad's features

The kids love Baby Carter!!! They are always asking to hold him and will hold him forever! It is so fun to see how much they love and care for him already!

Easton has really surprised me. I know Heavenly father really has been watching over our family. I have really been struggling with what I was going to do with him. In January I knew I wasn't going to be able to lay by Easton and rock him his entire nap like he was making me do, so I started trying to make him cry and rock him less to see if he would start letting me just lay him in his crib. I tried for 2 months and even let him cry for 2 hours at times to see if he would go to sleep and he would not. So I gave up, and to get some sanity I figured out he would let me lay him down if I layed down next to him. I was worried about him falling off our bed, so i put our popisan mattress on the ground and would lay by him and I could get up and eat lunch before he would wake up and I would have to lay by him again to just get a nap. When we moved into our new home in the middle of April, he just all of a sudden would let me lay him in his crib and he would take a nap like a normal child!! I know Heavenly father was helping me and I was praying and hoping it would all work out in time for Carter to get here. It is amazing the way the Lord just gets everything in place when a new baby comes into the family.

Easton loves his brother, and when he sees me holding him or feeding him, he is very good about being patient. When he hears Carter cry, he looks over, gasps, and says "Oh No" over and over again until I get him. It is very cute.

He goes up to carter and kisses him and pats his head all day long, he even said the word "Baby" for the first time the other day

Ava is at the age where she just wants to do what every one else is doing. She loves him, but is a very busy girl with a big agenda!

This picture is one of my favorite. When ever the camera is out, Ava has to have a picture. Here she is trying get in on the action

I see more and more similarities of Easton in him, but they definitely have different looks to them. Carter is a sweet little baby, that is very squeaky and does not like to be moved when he is comfortable, and he, like my other children, definitely loves to be held (but what baby doesn't!). I think he is getting acid reflux just like Easton, and I am hoping and praying it is not as bad as it was with Easton. He nurses about 75% better than Easton, so that's a good start! We love him and we are grateful to finally have him here!

another picture where you can see his cute dimples

Ok, so these are not the best pictures to compare, but the picture of Jordan on the left, looks just like Carter, in any of the pictures you can't tell as much, but in person, it is identical. My baby picture is on the right, maybe he has a little of me?!