Monday, February 4, 2008

I've been Tagged

I've been "tagged" byLaura!
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

10 years ago: Man, I was just starting high school and that was my favorite "running" year. I was on the freshman cross-country team and won every race but 1 and then I was moved up to Varsity to compete in state!

5 things on my to do list today:

1) Call United Airlines and let them know me and my friend will be traveling with infants- I ordered my tickets through Hotwire and it didn't give me that option
2) Go to Target and get Mylicon for the boys and find the tupperware kit that comes with a turn table to organize the lids and containers- then through all my other ones out!
3) Write a thank you card to this lady that made blankets for the boys
4) Go to Babies R Us and see if the formula is FINALLY in, and also get vinyl bibs-the good kind, they're worth it!
5) Enter receipts into our budget

Snacks I enjoy: CHOCOLATE-it's my weekness, Ice Cream (Ben and Jerry's Phish food), fondue, grapes, clementines, 100 calorie snacks...the list could go on!

What I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire: I would definitely buy a house, a beach house with a sail boat in CA, a cabin on a lake in Island Park with a boat and jet ski's and can't forget the four wheelers, finally go on a trip out of the country, buy a plane so I wouldn't have to buy airline tickets anymore..or better yet, buy one of the companies...Delta, United, anything, then I would be getting help by the other flyers to pay for it and I would be making an income, go on a shopping spree. Man, this list could go on as well. What can I say, I am a girl of wants not needs.

3 of my bad habits: 1.I would rather do everything myself so things are done the way I want them then have help 2. I'm a night owl and a horrible early riser which don't mix when I am getting up all hours 3. I pick at my nails, they will never be long.

5 places I have lived: Idaho, New York, Michigan, Utah, California

5 jobs I have had: 1.Retail 2. telemarketer 3. CNA 4. Recruiter for Human Resource Department 5. Jamba Juice - food, I don't know what you'd call it

5 things people don't know about me:
1)I can say the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish
2)I took piano lessons for 2 years and can play the first line of "A Whole New World"
3)I am such a wimp and I am scared of being scared, but I love being scared
4)I am terrified of needles
5)I hate beets and squash

I tag Carrie, Morgan, Tara, Tommi and Becky!


John and Danielle said...

Hey! I was checking out Steph's blog and found you! It was so good to see what you have been up to! This whole blog thing is so addicting and deadly. Check out ours if you have time!

MoJo said...

Chandra, I'm so sorry...I think I lost your blog and since it was new and I had just had a baby and lots of other things going on in my crazy life I forgot about you.
:( ~ Your boys are so dang cute. I love them and want to give them a squeeze. You and I are more I like than I ever knew. I'm scared of being scared also! And I'm totally a night owl and can't seem to wake up in the mornings. (A bad combination for having a newborn, huh?) But I guess I should've already known that was just like you b/c of the Royal Crest late nights! lol ~Glad to see you're doing well and I won't lose you again.

Tara G. said...

You worked at Jamba Juice?? I love that place...can you make one of those chocolate moo'd ones? Mmmmmm. The many talents of Chandra Smith.

MoJo said...

Hey Chandra, I didn't know you were a Modbe consultant. I just heard about them and my friend told me I HAVE to get a swim suite from them b/c they make you look slimmer and they're modest and cute. Wish you were here b/c I'd buy them from you.

JoJo said...

Dani has it right! Blogging is addictive. It's like the new soap-operas for stay at home moms. Anyway Chandra your boys are cute so good to "see ya"!

Jo Bird (Hall)

Tori said...

Chandra! Oh my gosh, its Tori (Wilson)! So good to see you and your little adorable family. How crazy to adopt twins! Send me your email address to toriosorio at gmail dot com and I'll send ya an invite to my blog.

MoJo said...

Is there a place that I can try them on and then buy from you? My friend just went to a party where she tried a ton on and told me about them. I just want to make sure I know what size and what looks the best.

Matt and Tommi +4 said...

You are such a stinker for tagging me! I miss you Chan!