Sunday, October 19, 2008

Updates over the last few months

These past couple of months seem to just be flying by. The boys seem to be be catching on to something new every day even if it is just something as little as imitating my girly scream (that just happened today and it was pretty funny to hear Ayden higher his pitch. We are so use to hearing his growly little roar!) The boys have started walking and it is great for a lot of reasons, it has it's cons, but over all I'd say it has been a good transition. It seems as though they got a lot stronger or something with there new walking skills. Now they can open drawers a lot easier and their reaching skills have definitely been to their advantage. So once again, I found it is time to baby proof all over again!

Ayden has continued to do this really cute scrunchy face and Gavin has decided to start it up again as well. They always sniff their noses while doing it. They have a pretty nasty cold right now and I think the scrunchy face started by them trying to sniff their snotty noses and then they just kept doing it even after the snotty noses were gone. Gavin is very good at giving hugs and kisses, he is my little cuddly bear, he loves to lay on Mom and Dad. He is my smiley little boy who is intrigued by everything. He has starting to say Ball by saying "BA" and he has become an active pointer. He loves to point at things and here what I say about them just in time to point to the same thing again or something else. Ayden just started coming up from behind us and wrapping his little arms around us and giving us big hugs and then goes on his busy way, it is so cute. Ayden has become my little wild man since he started walking, he is a BUSY little boy, always on the move with an agenda! He is also a dancing machine. He has started trying to say words like Trixy, kitty cat, and thank you, along with his spitting which means "No". Gavin has learned to just shake his head or push what ever he doesn't want away, I think I prefer that much more.

Here is a video clip of the boys as they started trying to walk, the last clip is the most recent. For the most part they are walking pretty regularly, still a little wobbly and if they fall because they are in a hurry to get some where, they finish it off by crawling.

We have been trying to get out and do more. We just signed the boys up for a swimming class with us, so that is what we will be doing for our Family Nights for the next 6 weeks. We went to the Cider Mill, something I have been wanting to do since last year. It was a lot of fun to go out and do something different. We go a gallon of the yummy cider and some really great donuts. The boys seemed to really like the donuts and cider as well. We also got a batch of these huge apples they had which were so good as well, we went in between conference so when we got back I made some apple crisp with the apples so we could enjoy it after conference was over. The other night we also went to a "Haunted Barn" the boys have officially been through their first Haunted house, don't worry we aren't that mean it was really short and kid friendly it was just some stand still things and flashing lights. They boys were fine, at the end they had these 3 monsters that were hard to see in the dark and they made a little roar sound and my little sensitive Ayden started to cry, but it was the end so he was fine. I wish I had my camera, but I forgot it.

The boys finishing off their donuts

The boys have been loving playing outside, and is is so much easier for me now that their walking. I recently got a wagon for the boys (at one of the Mom to Mom sales here) for a pretty good deal and I was really excited about it. It has a place to set their drinks and a compartment under the seat to put little things (like a lunch) or something. It has been a fun way to walk the boys to and from the park that is near our house. Another GREAT deal I got was a little play house for FREE!! So it's not in the best of shape, but it's good enough for me especially because it's free, the boys don't care. I was driving home and saw it on the curb so I stopped by and the man was in the process of moving and trying to get rid of some things and said I could have it. It has been a fun little thing for the boys. The other day they were playing peek-a-boo, Gavin would dunk down behind the window inside the house and Ayden (on the other side) would watch him peek up and crack up laughing, it was really cute and fun to watch them play.

Here are some pictures of the boys in their wagon caught in action. The first picture of the boys is a perfect example of some little differences about them. Ayden likes to drink from a straw and Gavin likes to tilt his drink, so we had the take the straw out. The other picture is them making the Indian sound with their hand against their mouth. I was driving in the car one day and I hear Gavin making this sound I look back and they were both doing it, I have no idea where they learned it, it's very cute, they do it quite often now.

Our boys love their bath time. They hear the water turn on and they go running! They come into the bath room and we strip them down. It is the only time they are helpful by lifting up their legs one at a time so we can take their shoes, socks and pants off. At times they are leaning over so far their feet aren't touching the floor, we have to pull them back down. They both have fallen in a few times from it being slippery, no injuries though. While we are filling the tub and getting them ready to get in they are leaning over the edge so excited to get in, Gavin sits there the entire time lifting his leg up trying to haul himself into the tub while Ayden is trying to splash the water and play with the water coming out of the faucet, it is to cute to watch.

This is what happens when you let Dad fill up the tub, every time they tried to move their face got dunked it was so full!

The boys now have about 8 teeth, and it seemed at first that they liked brushing their teeth, and I think they still do because every once in a while it's not a fight, but it's the teething that kills it, so once ALL of their teeth are in hopefully it will be at least a little better.

Here are some more fun pictures of the last few months:

Ayden got into my blush I looked down and saw this cute face...

My favorite thing about this picture is their outfits, I wish they could be better seen, they looked so cute.


Tara G. said...

Holy cow, they are busy little guys! I loved the video of them both getting around, they look so cute and grown up. This is such a fun stage!

JoJo said...

There is something so fun about reading about those two little guys. I totally have a toddler crush.

Nicole said...

Wow, you guys have been busy lately!! I love those first two pictures, I just love the coloring on them! Your such a fun mom!

Travis, Kassie, Ellie and Haven said...

Love the editing you did!! That is so funny that you took them with you to the Haunted Barn! Ellie would die if I ever took her to something like that. Hope you boys are feeling better

Jess and Tom Francom said...

Oh, Chandra. Your posts make me smile. I love your boys, they are so cute and you are such good mom to them.

Matt and Tommi +4 said...

They are SO cute Chan! I can't believe how big they are getting!
Free toys are the best! If they're a little worn that just means you won't be as worried about the boys destroying them! You are an awesome mom! I wish we were closer so we could hang out!