Thursday, October 9, 2008

My observant little boy

So I wanted to post this really funny story that happened the other day with Gavin. We have these people come over called "Early On" which is a free government service in which they just come over and work with your children to make sure they are developing correctly. We thought it was a nice thing to take advantage of. Wel,l the lady was working with Gavin and she had these 2 cups. She would hold a car in front of him and put it under a cup she would pull it out show it to him and put it under another cup and do this a couple times. She made sure to show him the car each time before she put it under the cup. Then he had to find where the car was. he got it every time. She then uped it to 3 cups and he was so funny. She mixed up the car, showing it to him every time then gave him the chance to find where it was. He pointed towards one and almost picked it up, then backed his hand away and thought about it (you could tell he was thinking) and then he almost picked up another one, brought his had back and continued to think, then the little stinker finally picked up the correct cup with the car underneath, it was so cute. You could tell he was so proud of himself. He has always been my little observant child and I couldn't help but laugh for the rest of the day every time I thought about it, it was so cute to watch.

When it was Ayden's turn he was just so anxious to get the cups becuase I had been holding him back from them while Gavin was using them. All he wanted was to do was grab the cups and bang them together, he was to busy to even want to watch her move the cups around.


MKB said...

That is totally CUTE! I have tried to find that here in Boise and everywhere I was told to go says they don't offer it OR they don't come out to my zipcode. WHAT!? You'll go everywhere else but my zipcode. Needless to say I have been bummed for over a year now.

Jason Both said...

Happy Birthday Boys! They are so cute. I love your family picture up top too.

jared & amy nelson said...

Hi there cute family.
It's Amy (Dance) Nelson. Looks like life is wonderful for you guys. The boys are so cute. One of these days I may have a few questions for you about adoption. Hope you don't mind if we keep tabs on you through your blog. Take care, Amy

T and B said...

That is awesome! What a smart little guy.

Your boys are so cute! I can't get over how darling all of their pictures are. They are so photogenic. Hope everything is going well.