Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cedar Point

We went to Cedar Point this month for Halloweekends. For those of you who don't know Cedar Point is home of the largest and fastest roller coaster in the world!!! Jordan was such a great sport last year and went on it. He is terrified of heights so it really was an accomplishment for him, I was so proud of my baby!!= ) I ahev to be honest, I eally don't get scared on rides and when we started going up on the Dragster I honestly got scared, I was half inclined to close my eyes, but I toughed it out. Here are some pictures from last year, the Dragster is to the left of us.

This year I went again with the all of Michigan's biggest wimps, but it's alright, the lines are so long and we were going with the kids I wasn't really expecting much. However, to my surprise. I asked Jordan if he would be willing to go on the Dragster again with me and the loving husband that he is would have gone if it meant that much, but the line was to long and not worth it. My highlight of the trip was going on the rigidy old looking roller coaster (similar to the white one at Lagoon) with Kassie, I was actually feeling really bad at first, the the screaming she was doing I thought she was going to cry. She made it through it and said she had fun on it, slowly I am going to wear her down, next year will be the Dragster for her!

The kids had fun getting out and the boys did really well with only napping in the car. It's about a 2 hr-2 1/2 hr drive there and back and we stopped by the one and only FRIENDLY'S , my ultimate ice cream shop, for dinner and ice cream before heading home, so we didn't get home until about 10 or 11. My little adventurer's did awesome for such a long day! Here are some photo's and video's of our fun day!

This ride spun a lot more than expected. We thought they were like the tea cups that only spin a lot when you make it spin. On this ride that was not the case. I had to wrap my arms around it so tight so the boys wouldn't freak out. I wish I had a camera so I could have captured the look on Ayden's face whent he ride started. It looked like he was on one of those fast rides that go so fast the gravity holds you against the wall. His face looked like it was smooshed, like if you pull your cheeks towards the back of your head, I can't explain it, I just couldn't stop laughing. I had to hold his hand the entire time while trying to hold the ride still so he wouldn't cry.

These last pictures are what Jordan was taking while waiting for Kassie and me to come back from our one roller coaster ride. He said he had a visit from Dr. Jekle and Mr. Hyde.


Laura said...

What a fun day. Looks like you had a great time. You should get on Skype sometime so out boys can talk!

JoJo said...

We used to eat at Friendly's after football games when I lived in VA. Can I say best milkshakes? Yummers.

Travis, Kassie, Ellie and Haven said...

I am glad Jordan didn't get me screaming on that little kid ride, I was scared on that, I don't know how I made it through the roller coaster. Thanks for pushing me, but next time lets not go one one that is so bumpy!!

Tara G. said...

Looks like they had a ton of stuff for the kids to go on. I want to go back next Spring/Summer with Maya. We had fun last year even though all the rides kept breaking down. What a rip!

Carrie said...

Wow, you're adventurous taking the kids there. We went to Cedar Point a few years ago on a road trip to Ohio. We loved it! The dragster was freaky!!!