Sunday, October 5, 2008

Our boys finally turned ONE!! (on Sept. 12)

I can't believe it has already been a year!! Well it was on Sept 12, this post is a little late. Time really has flown by.We love our little boys so much!! Here are a few of their milestone pictures.

One Month

Three Months

Six Month

9 Months


The boys have really started to love balls! So we found this little playland ball pit that we really thought they would enjoy. Jordan wanted to make sure he saw them in it for the first time so we didn't set it up until he got home, they had a lot of fun in it. Ayden is really funny he will run into the balls and through his body on top of all the balls over and over and has the cutest giggle. When you rile Gavin up he copies you and does a little yell while tossing the balls around with his arms suprisingly he is not as wild as Ayden has been lately. Yesterday they were so cute. I was trying to sew and we had confrence on so we wern't being as attentive as they wanted us to be with them. All I know is I looked over and they had moved some toys into the playland and they were just holding the balls and playing so well with each other it was really cute. They play well, but usually have to have us by there side so it was really a great thing for us to see!! Ayden is really funny he will run into the

We also gave them cupcakes so they could just dig in. Ayden liked it, but Gavin didn't like the chocolate frosting, but he liked the cupcake plain.

The next day we had a little party for them. we had some friends and their kids come over. I know some people go all out (my sisters) but I figured the kids could play and it was a good excuse for the adults to get together. We were going to have the sprinklers and a few blow up pools set up in the backyard and do an outside thing, but it was raining pretty hard that day, it was to bad, I know the boys would have liked that. It was a lot of fun and hopefully the boys had a good day!


Nicole said...

It's crazy to think how much they've grown in just a year!! You seriously have the cutest boys ever!!

Travis, Kassie, Ellie and Haven said...

Yea for turing one!! They just keep getting cuter and cuter!

Laura said...

Happy Birthday!! sounds like a fun party. love the one year pictures. Their smiles are so cute!

Jens and Patricia said...

I just want to tell you that your boys are so so cute! I love seeing how kids change as they grow and they are just so adorable! That's so exciting they turned one..Baylor is almost there. It goes by so fast!