Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ava learning to walk

Our sweet little Ava Lynn is turning into such a big girl!! She is starting to walk...with the help of her trusty little walker. She has been moving all around downstairs and loves it. She is so tiny and looks so cute acting so big!!

She is already joining in acting like a big kid. She was sitting on the table eating snacks with the boys.

So, I'm not going to lie, our play room is ALWAYS this messy or usually worse. I clean up and even vacuum and the next time they are down there it looks like I haven't touched it in weeks. That probably use to be the case, but now that we are down there all the time because it's too cold to go outside I really do try to keep up on the vacuuming and cleaning up. As messy as kids are, they seem to play better when it starts out all picked up! I guess making mess is what the fun part is.


Jens and Patricia said...

She is so cute! I LOVE this stage, I think it's so fun when they start thinking they are so big!

Tara G. said...

She'll have to teach Josh a thing or two about being mobile. She is the cutest little thing!

Amanda and the Bradys said...

you really are the best!! I can't even wait!!! I owe you big!!!!!

Amanda&Brady said...

ok so I got your package in the mail!! The only thing is it was a skirt!?! Not sure if this was intended for someone else?! I am thinking that someone else got a bag!:) let me know were you want me to send this skirt.