Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Birthday rocky and Trixy

So, we LOVE our cats! They have been such good little baby's to us. We have been through a lot these last 2 years with Trixy going missing to having the boys come home which was a huge change on the cats. We celebrated their birthday last year and we did again this year! They were born on 4/20/06. Ok, so I never thought I'd be like this especially about cats, but I can't help it, we love them. We got them a birthday cake (grass) and made come cupcakes for us to enjoy with them. We also got them some new collars and their 2 favorite toys, a laser pointer and a stick with feathers on it for them to chase.
The cats new collars


Travis, Kassie, Ellie and Haven said...

Love their cute sweaters!

The Gibson's said...

You are so funny! I love cats too but I never thought about giving Donavin's cat a birthday party. Looks like a lot of fun so I might consider it. Good job on your blankets as well. Strange how time changes you huh! I like to sew now too and Carrie said she never thought she'd see the day when Cambria would pull out a sewing machine.