Thursday, May 22, 2008

8 1/2 months old!

Gavin was being so funny and playful in these pictures , it's like he thought he was in in his own photo shoot and Ayden just has such a sweet pleasant look on his face in all of cute!

Say Cheese!

Roar like a Lion

Give me Playful

Now show us some love!

The boys are growing everyday and we are having more and more fun with them. Ayden has made a huge difference this month than last, he now babbles like Gavin and says "Dadadadada" rather than "geeeee" and then spitting, it is so cute. He has also started taking an interest picking up his food, like cheerios and gold fish, and just recently he has discovered the sippy cup! We have been trying to work on this for a while and he has got the hang of it, he is like an old pro and can even drink it one handed. He was so funny one day, he took a bite of something and started choking so he grabbed for his sippy cup and took a drink to help it down, my smart little man.

Gavin now offically has TWO teeth!! They were little bumps forever, but they are now finally here. He has learned that he does not like things taken away from him and freaks out if you even touch what he has in his hand. One night I was just pulling up his sleeve while he was eating an apple and he got so ticked and freaked out because I was moving the apple from his mouth while pulling his sleeve up, he is such a stinker. He also loves to steal Ayden's binki, seriously he is so funny it doesn't matter what it is, whatever Ayden has Gavin wants he steals everything from Ayden, what a little bully! Gavin is very sweet and playful and full of energy. He smiles and has this loud scream that he thinks is pretty funny, he also uses it on Ayden when Ayden is trying to steal a toy from him, smart little tactic if you ask me to scare Ayden away. Ayden is so sensitive it probably works!

They are both trying so hard to crawl. They are very different in there attempts. Gavin rolls to get places and lately has been getting on his hands and knees bopping trying so hard to figure out how to move. Ayden lifts himself up like he is doing push ups and ends up on his finger tips and tippy toes then goes down on his knees and bopps, somtimes he'll even hop forward like a rabbit. They are both getting really close.

We finally said ENOUGH! We are so done with getting up baby after baby whether for a binki, or a 2 oz bottle that we water down and only add one scoop of formula to, so really, the bottle is for us to help put them back to sleep, so I am sure it is not to satisfy hunger because that can't work! So we did a trial night. Gavin has been waking up like an hour after we lay him down just for us to rock him once again so he doesn't wake up Ayden. Then he wakes up a couple hours later, it just seems like he has been getting worse with waking up, not better. So on a Fri night we just let him cry, at first I said ok for 10 min, then it became 20, then it became and hour an a half!! Finally I went in there and rocked him back to sleep, it was so sad. If we went in there to pat his back, it only got worse so we couldn't do that. Then, he didn't wake up until 2 and we just patted his back and he went to sleep, never even put up a fight for his bottle! Ayden totally slept through it all but woke up at 6 or 6:30 as usual. The next night it took only 10 minutes for Gavin to put himself back to sleep. For the most part he has been pretty consistent in the 10 min thing, he still wakes up an hour after we put him down, sometimes he makes it with out getting up that hour. Gavin also gets up at 3 now, not 2 and for the most part will put himself back to sleep. We are working on this sleeping through the night stuff, but man, it is so hard and sad, we love them so much. Ayden officially does sleep through the night, I am so happy he can sleep through Gavin's crying. Even though they wake up so dang early, it's better because at least I am getting more sleep at night which makes me feel like such a better mom, more alert, awake and attentive. I really love my boys so much.

Here are some cute pictures of the boys we have taken lately..seriously we can't get enough of them, we have so many pictures and they are always so cute of them!!


Nicole said...

All I can say is wow, your boys are adorable! They're getting so big too. I love how much personality they have and how they tease one another.

Mal said...

They are so dang adorable, they look like so much fun! Hopefully I will get to meet them someday!

Steph said...

Such cuties!!!! I wanna come visit again soon. Miss you girl! LOVES

ang :o) said...

Hey girl. We are starting the adoption process again. Although we really wanted to do China again, we are really being led to do domestic. We are a little freaked out because this route seems so much less guaranteed. I'm also nervous about the birth mother changing her mind her perhaps not even getting picked by a birth mom. My cousins have gone through hell on the domestic front. Do you have any tips for us? What State were your boys born in? Just curious because my boss,, adopted six months ago and her son is from Georgia. Would you mind sharing with me how long your process took and how much you adoption was?

Carrie said...

Your boys are so cute! I can't believe they're already 8 1/2 months! Good luck with the sleeping, I think that's one of the hardest things, the last 2 weeks Jace has been waking up at 5am and is ready for the day, it's driving me crazy! If you're ever out near Illinois let us know, we'd love to see you. Maybe we'll have to plan a road trip and meet in the middle somewhere.