Monday, March 24, 2008

6 month pics!!

I can not believe we have finally made it to the 6 month mark! Every one said 6 months is the magical month, they sleep through the night, they sit up, the play with toys better....well not much has changed!! No, we are definitely seeing a difference in the way they play with toys, and they do seem to be a lot more content, a little better in the car, we switched to the bigger binkis and Gavin takes it so much better. We are definitely seeing growth, however, they are still not sleeping through the night!!! We are now trying something new. Really what they get up for at night is to eat, but then sometimes they have a hard time getting back to sleep and wake up th other one that is sleeping, it will just make life easier if they just sleep through the night. We don't want to just take their bed time bottles away cold turkey so we are going down a 1/2 oz. every couple of days. This process, like every new thing we try has been difficult, they are getting up more because they are hungry and we try to hold them off by patting their backs, which works, but only for so long. But last night, they had a really good night and I feel like the hard work is going to pay off, at least we hope! I read in a book if you water down their bottles that also works, so tonight we are working our way down to 2 1/2 oz and putting in just one scoop, it's just baby steps, but we are crossing our fingers things will only get better!

Well their 6 month check up was so good!! they are getting so big..literally BIG!

Height: 26 1/4 in. (75%)
Weight: 17.8 lbs (40%)
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 (80%)


Height: 27 1/4in. (80%)
Weight: 17.15 lbs (49%)
HC: 17 3/4 (80%)

It was great to see that they are now in the 80% for height, when they were born they were in the 5%!


ang :o) said...

Yay for 6 months! They are adorable. I had no idea you were living out by my cousin Michelle! And you even cut her hair?! So cool. She told her sister Keri that you are such a great mom! I have no doubt that you are.

Jenn said...

Oh they are so stinking cute!!! So is their adoption offical now that is has been 6-months??

Travis, Kassie, Ellie and Haven said...

They are so cute!! Hey I changed my background and it didn't earse my list of people, so if you want to change it I can show you how.

Carrie said...

Those pictures are too cute! How did you get both of them to smile at the same time? I couldn't even get my one child to smile at all during our pictures. And you might have awhile to go with some things, Jace didn't sit well until 7 1/2 months and just started sleeping through the night (9 months)! It sure is nice when it happens though.

Tara G. said...

Maya didn't sleep through the night until 8 months...don't worry you guys are doing great. Nick even mentioned how impressed he is with you, Chandra. One night it will just happen and they will sleep all night...hopefully on the same night! I went to that Once upon a child store yesterday and got M some CUTE stuff for $20! We should go there together sometime.

Jessie Nielson said...

What cuties!

Jess and Tom Francom said...

Oh only gets easier....until they turn 2! Then you are in for a treat! Love the pics, your boys are darling!

MKB said...

They are so stinkin cute! I was told if you put rice cereal in their bottles it helps them sleep through the night. I don't know if it works but it is worth a try.

aSHleY said...

They are so stinkin cute! I can't believe it is has been 6 months already. I love the pictures, good luck on finally getting some sleep at night.