Monday, April 7, 2008

Hello NEW Car.........

Ok so this is a little over due, but after a LOT of talking, a little bit of looking, and some compromising on both our parts..this is what we got!

The Taurus X, it's perfect and we love it!! We decided to go with a new car because we are not ones to sell our cars any time soon, Jordan has had his honda for 10 years and got it brand new and we don't plan on selling that any time soon either. We were looking at the Mazda 5, but it didn't get me excited, this got me excited! It has 3 rows of seating and fits 7 people. The trunk space is a lot better than others we have looked at and the best part is the 3rd row has 50/50 split seats so if we do need to put the seat down for more room for things like our huge stroller, we only need to put one side down and still have the additional seat! all of the seats go flat even the passenger seat. It showed in an add that a kayak could fit in the car if the seats were down from the passanger seat to the back, we are loving the extra space. Oh and my personal favorite, the boys seats fit right next to each other instead of spread apart, it's perfect for times that I need to reach back and put a binki in one of the boys mouth or hand them a toy, don't worry, I am paying attention to the road!


MoJo said...

Yay for new cars! you guys were smart to get one that will fit more kids. We bought ours brand new when Ella was 5 months old and we're already talking about having to buy a new one.

Steph said...

CONGRATS! T Minus 3 weeks till I see you and your cuties!!!! Can't wait!

Jessie Nielson said...

I love new cars! It looks great and perfect for a family!

Nicole said...

I love the new look to your blog! And I especially love the car, it was so cute I had to show my husband!

aSHleY said...

Happy to hear you found something that will work well for your family, when you wrote binki, I thought you wrote Bikini and was trying to figure out why you had to put on your bikini in the car. The binki makes much more sense.

John and Danielle said...

Congrats on the new car! I am so jealous! And on making it to 6 months with the boys. They are sooo cute. You are so blessed!

Laura said...

how nice to have a new car. how do the boys like the new ride?