Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bottle Stories

Gavin is officially holding his bottle!! It was so funny, seriously, like the day after Ayden started holding his, I was feeding them (Ayden was holding his, I was holding Gavin's) and I needed to run and grab something, so I let go of Gavin's bottle and left it on him for a min, expecting him to cry, but I heard nothing! I came back a minute later and this is what I saw......

What a stinker, I am sure he has known how for a while! Ok, maybe not, but he sure did seem to catch on pretty quick!

Now Ayden is another story. He seriously cracks me up, he is a funny baby. He has found a new technique that he is determined to conquer! He is trying to eat with style! Not only that but again, he was cracking me up, while he was drinking his bottle in the next few pictures he could not keep his eye off the yellow fish. I watched as his fingers slowly starting twinkling it then slowly working up to holding onto it just before his bottle fell because he was having a hard time holding both. I would then put his bottle back in his hands only to watch him do it all over again, he was so determined!

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