Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Ayden and Gavin!

The Birthday Boys!

We got them these little dinosaur hats from the dollar store and this is Ayden ROARING at us!

This was the night before, we had just picked up the second bike so we decided to let them try their new bikes out. They are still learning, but we can tell they really love them. It will be fun when they can actually ride them.

This was the morning of their birthday, Jordan set this up for them the night before and we brought them down to see it, they love it!! There favorite thing to do is try to fix things so we thought this would be a good gift for them.

During the day we picked up some Subway and met there cousins at a park and spent some time there, our boys love to be outside, Ava was loving the swing, in fact, they all enjoy the swings!

Ta Da!! The cake I made for them. I was excited it turned out pretty cute, I got this idea from my sister who made this for her son who is a year older than my boys last year, I thought it sounded like a good idea so I made it this year! Sisters are great for ideas!

The boys enjoyed the gummy worms more than the cake


Lindy and Bryce Ellsworth said...

You have the cutest family! It was so good to see you a couple weeks back! We sure wish you lived in Boise, hopefully someday soon! Hope you have a great weekend! Miss ya!!!

Kevin and Letitia Lewis said...

How cute were did you get that super cute tool bench?

Michelle Colt said...

Chan,so cute!! Wish we could have been there!! What cute little monkeys! They are getting so big!