Monday, April 20, 2009

Baby Showers

At the end of January beginning of Feb, we had two showers and they were both done at IHOP. We thought it would be a good place to have a shower to chat with friends, eat, and open gifts. The first one Kassie and I threw one for our friend Tara, and then unknowingly that Ava would be coming soon after, my sister-in-law through me a shower for our first little girl a few weeks later!

The Lady of the hour!

The amazing diaper cake Kassie made!

And all the wonderful friends who came!Then there was my shower...

This is the other amazing diaper cake Kassie made!! Very creative wouldn't ya say?!

The great friends who came..this was at the end so some had already left

And the great gifts that were given to us for our sweet Ava!

One of my best friends ever who lives not to far in Chicago came to my shower. It was so great to see her and spend some lounging time with her!! We have been friends since 7th grade and still going strong!! I love her so much and I am so grateful for her friendship, we do always have so much fun when we are together!! I swear though, every time she comes to Michigan drama happens! Last time we had to take Ayden to the hospital so they could check on his heart murmur and ended up staying in hospital all night. Steph left with my GPS and took my car back to my apartment and ran out of gas on the way there while her cell phone ran out of batteries right after she called me. I wish we would have known she was like 5 minutes from our house, it would have been alot easier to tell jordan where she was. Instead a cop pulled over and helped her back. This time I woke up inthe middle of the night with the worst back ache I have ever had. I have been having back problems since I got married and havn't really had any issues the past few years until this one night. She was once again up with me late in the evening (or you could say very early in the morning!) I almost thought I was going to have to go to the hospital once again while she was visiting. Luckly I as able to go back to sleep after hours of pain and it was gone when I woke up and not back again! Next time maybe we'll go to Chicago, we'll hopefully have better luck there!

This is me and Steph being dorks. We had been out running errands all day in our Pj's and unshowered! That night we decided to make some yummy cookies and were trying to show them off with out showing are amazingly beautiful faces!! =)

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