Monday, April 20, 2009

Febuary update!!!

Well First things first!! We were blessed with our beautiful Ava who came into our home!! She has been nothing but such a joy to our home. Heavenly Father really knew the kind of baby we needed have when he was going to bring her to us this quick! She is perfect, everything we could have asked for and more. It kills me because I am always being asked "How are you doing?" and never believing my response of "I'm fine!". But really...I am fine!! My sister told me that after she had her third child (she now has 4), that is when she had her melt down. For me, I think my melt down was with my first two. They were not easy babies. They were impatient from the moment we brought them home and nothing has changed. They would wake up screaming like I hadn't fed them in days every time they were hungry and when I gave them there bottles, if I ever had to stop for a second they would scream like I dropped something on them. My little Gavin had a really hard time taking his formula so there was a lot of stopping and going. To this day they are very enthusiastic with there emotions whether it be mad, happy, or sad it is always very dramatic!! But that is why I love them, they are my boys full of personality and VERY active!! But I am use to the crying unlike other people who may be around my home during the drama, and that is when I think people start feeling concerned. However, I am around it all the time and I think it is becoming more and more natural as the days past, soon I don't think I'll be able to even hear the crying it will be so natural. Really, I don't think I'll ever be immune to the crying and I definitly have my share of bad days. Ava is the complete opposite of my boys, she is very calm, patient, and full of smiles! If I need to stop feeding her for a minute she waits, if I need to set her down she is content as can be, and if she gets fussy, I put her in my sling and she is just fine. Since my boys, I have been use to multi-tasking and holding more than one child (sometimes 3 now) at a time, so it is pretty natural at this point. Ava has made the transition amazing and the boys LOVE her! They are always saying "Uh-OH" when they hear her crying and go try and find her so they can give her a binki. They are always giving her loves and Gavin practically tries to pull her out of my arms so he can hold her. We feel truly blessed and we are so grateful for our children and all the moments we share together with all the ups and downs!!

Ava sleeping very cozy in her Dads lap

The cute outfit her Grandma sent her

All swaddled after her bath

Ava looking at her Daddy

I love this picture. The first thing Jordan does when he gets out of school late at night and they boys are in bed and me and Ava are up is pick up his baby girl and hold her, feed her her last bottle, and rock her to sleep!! He sure is proud of her!

My 3 beautiful children

Something really good must have been on TV

This is my favorite picture...the boys sure do love their baby sister!

Gavin holding and loving his sister

Helping her with her binki and giving her kisses

The boys were both trying to give her kisses at the same time

Ayden giving her kisses because he heard her crying...

But then letting me know he was done!

This is one of my favorite of Ayden with Ava. He is helping her with her binki, he looks like such a big boy in this picture

Gavin holding his sister once again..his new favorite thing!

This is a pretty typical picture of this month, Gavin holding Ava and Ayden playing...

The boys both trying to help Ava with her binki

Gavin probably laughing at Ayden

Giving Ava kisses....

And then once again helping her with her binki...his second new favorite thing!


Jason Both said...

I am so happy you are doing good. There's nothing like being a mom. Those little kiddos sure keep you busy, but it is worth every moment. I wish one of my three girls were really good babies though. All of them were on the fussy side. I long for that perfect baby. Oh well.

sarah e. said...

Hey. This is Kristen's old roommate, Sarah. I just looked at your blog through Kristen's. Your kids are adorable!!! You caught some great moments on the camera. And you and Jordan are such good parents. You are amazing!

Kellen, Kathy said...

You really are a Super Mom :)

Michelle Colt said...

Chandra,those pics are so dang cute!! LOVE them! Ava still looks so tiny! I love her big brown eyes. I can't wait to hold her!! Give her 10 kisses for me!

Matt and Tommi +4 said...

They are all so adorable Chandra! I love the picture of Ava swaddled in the towel. I can tell that you're an awesome mom.
One of my favorite parenting books is Secrets of the Baby Whisperer. She says there are 5 different "personality" types that babies have and carry with them as they grow older. It sounds like the boys are Spirited. Tayson is as well and it seems like Maylee is also. They are so much fun but they keep you on your toes!