Gavin being a tattle tale as always!
But going on vacation does have it's up and downs and this was one downer!! Gavin got pretty sick after we got home and had to have breathing treatments. It was miserable, this was one of his calm moments, but we had to hold that mask on him for 10 min 4 times a day..yeah right!! He was not having it, it was usually a fight the entire time. Those 10 minutes each seemed like an hour, it was so sad!
This is what dinner time looks like and starts out! This pic below is a perfect example. Gavin who holds onto his blankie for dear life and Ayden freaking out until his food is in front of him..our hungry boy! Gavin now has just started to give his blankie willingly as soon as he is ready to eat which has been great with out all the tricking to get it away and tantrums that go with it!
The boys have started to use theire utensils. Gavin is a pro now, for a 18 1/2 month old, and Ayden our sweet MESSY little boy, he does ok, but seems to still prefer the hand method a little better! He was messy as a baby and nothing has changed!
The boys eating their Nanas
Ayden is our pushing machine!! If he can push it, off it goes! The best part is Gavin loves being pushed so it makes for a great partnership!
To their own personal Drive-In!
This was so funny, they were being so cute together and talking and laughing through their windows.
Cousins!! The boys always love when they see their cousins. It is nice to have them here so the boys have some family that they are familiar with.
Jordan took these pictures of the boys eating cheerios off our nasty floor....
All Fueled up and ready to go!
It's all over there face in this picture. I obviously wasn't being a very watchful mom on this day!
Then they jump...this is what happens when I don't fold my laundry quick enough! Don't worry the piles are typically bigger these days.
Jordan is such a great Dad. Even though he has been so busy with work and school, he always tries to make time with the boys. The boys favorite time with their Dad is when he reads to them.
As you can tell, if you look closely Ayden is very intense when it comes to his animal noises.
As you can tell, if you look closely Ayden is very intense when it comes to his animal noises.
Right here it looks like they are making their Owl sounds =). They are getting very good at knowing their animals and animal noises, we are excited to take them to the Zoo this year.
This is Jordan and Ayden, they love being thrown in the air by Dad, mom can't seem to get them as high!
Here is a clip of the boys using come of their words. The word they use most often is "Uh-Oh" I'll hear them in their room during nap and all of a sudden hear them both say "uh-oh" repeatedly. Usually that means a blanket or binki has been dropped. The ther day I was at the store calling Jordan and he had ran downstairs for a min and when he came up and saw the phone rining both of the boys were pointing at the phone saying "Uh-Oh". So it is a pretty common word around here. They can also make a fish sound and say "Ish" other words they say are doggie and duck pretty clear, but words like drink they say "ink" and binki they say "nki" the way they say it though acctually sounds more like a sound than a word.
Love your blog posts Chandra! I can't believe that you have time to do them! The clips aren't working for some reason, but cute pics!
Hey there Chandra! I wish you could post more, but I'm sure you are incredibly busy with three babies. I feel burnt out a lot of times with one. The other girls require a lot of attention too, but they are getting more independent, and they entertain themselves easily. That's what kids are suppose to do right? Play Play Play! That's how they learn, so I'm fine when they go off to play without me (In their room or something).
I made my blogs private, and I don't think I have a current e-mail address. My e-mail is:
Just send me an e-mail and I'll mail an invite back to you. Thanks. I love staying in touch. I hope you get this since it's not a freshly updated post. If not, I'll try again. Write "blog" as the title so I'll catch it. We have all e-mails going to our junk folder and we approve the ones we read because we get too much junk. We check it every few days before things automaticly go to the trash. Anyway, I hope you're doing good with all the little ones. You are an incredible brave woman! Love ya.
I love the pictures of them eating their bananas! So cute.
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