Friday, March 7, 2008


Ayden and Gavin and growing so quickly. One of the many fun things about having twins is watching them grow and develop. They are two very different babies with two different personalities. Each one has different skills that they have developed, so I am hoping since they are different maybe they could teach the other what they had just learned. Ya now Ayden can pass on his strengths to Gavin and vis versa!

Ayden is a very determined little boy. Once he has his mind set on doing something he tries and tries and tries until he gets it. He has been trying for about a month to roll from his back to his stomach and finally last Friday surprisingly at the doctors office what do you know he did it!! The next day he was a rolling machine it was so cute, you could tell he felt so good about his accomplishment. He is also my little bottle baby, he is not a fan of solids. He eats really, really, slow and never eats much. Every time you put the spoon in his mouth he makes the funniest face I laugh every time the spoon goes in, he has always been one to make funny faces since birth.

have been waiting for! He has been trying for awhile, but this was the first time he consecutively held it for more than a second. He needs some coaching along the way because I think he realizes I'll do it for him, so I let go and he will try picking it up and putting it in his mouth, with a little help. He does a dang good job if you ask me, I was able to go and get Gavin's bottle and sit down with Gavin for a min, before the bottle fell. I was pretty impressed, now it's Gavin's turn. It kills me, everything Ayden does first Gavin takes his time and one day he'll just beIt's amazing how quickly they develop. Just yesterday Ayden had a few firsts. Actually lately he has been really good about opening wide and at least acting interested in his food, still making the same faces though. Yesterday he ate more than Gavin and you could tell he was enjoying it. He also hasn't been able to hold himself up quit like his brother, but let me tell you he sat up so well yesterday I was surprised at how well his was doing just by comparing him from the day before. I also bought those dissolving puffs and thought Gavin, my little food lover, would be the first to really get into those. Yesterday I thought I'd try to give them some, of course even though they are small I was breaking them into smaller pieces. They both would make these funny faces and spit them out and then I would put it back in to help them get use to it. What do you know Ayden loved them! You see, you can never feed Gavin fast enough and he lets you know. It was the same type of thing with these puffs and Ayden, it was so cute and surprising. Now for the big thing, almost all day yesterday Ayden has been for the most part HOLDING HIS BOTTLE!!! The one thing I able to do it, it's not a gradual thing he just all of a sudden does it, but the things he learns before Ayden he learns so quickly. i think he is just holding out and is able to do the things all a long.

Now with Gavin at First we thought he was going to be the needy, lad back baby, as long as he was held he was fine. And we thought Ayden was going to be the little trouble maker, outgoing, and full of adventure. However they have kind of done a swap. Ayden pretty much is content and laid back, but he wants something he has no problem letting you know. For the most part when he his fussy or crying, again, for the most part, you know there is a reason. He is quit a riot, he has the most dramatic cry/wine, you'd think every time you heard him he'd fallen and cracked his head open.

Gavin has just blossomed and the neediness is still kind of there, but different. You can set him down in his exersaucer and he just has a good 'ol time playing with his toys, very independent. He does so well at figuring things out, I watch him and it seems like he is learning more and more every day with what to do with the toys. There was a lot going on with them yesterday because again, just yesterday, I was driving in the car (which they did really well with, they are not car lovers) I hear this vibrating noise, I look back and he is pulling on the little vibrating horse thing hanging from his car seat, he's never done that before! He is ALWAYS smiling and very grabby. When we set him close to his brother he gets his big grin and holds his arms out to touch his hair, face, cheeks, hands, anything you name it. He is a big fighter to go to sleep, he always has been. For the most part he would stay up as long as you'd let him and he' d never show that he was tired, but he is actually changing his ways on that more and more, however, still a fighter about going to sleep. Just this week he has been showing such a difference in sitting up, he does so well, soon I think he will be able to do it without the boppy soon. He is so active, bouncy and full of light and energy and Ayden is so patient and loving, and lately being the one that always wants to be held. He is so funny, since he was born he has always hated it when I held both him and his brother at the same time, he likes to have his own space and a lot of the time Gavin crosses the line on that one and he gets ticked, it's funny to watch.

They are so much fun, especially as they are growing and becoming more active. I love them so much and I am so grateful for them, I couldn't imagine life going any differently. It's already fun watching their personalities develop and watching as they are starting to interact together, I know I always say I can't wait until they are a little older, but I know I'll miss this stage, eventually.This is a video of Ayden's cute little laugh, hopefully when they start laughing more we can get a better one.


MKB said...

Ayden and Gavin are so cute! You can tell how proud they are of themselves, which they should be. I didn't know they were so close to Reagan's age.

Nicole said...

They are growing so quick, but are still adorable as ever!! How fun watching them accomplish new things!

MoJo said...

Your boys are so cute! I loved the video b/c it gives you a better visual then just pictures alone. You are SO brave to have twins. I've been catching up on your blog and I don't know how you do it. But then again, I've always know you to be the most energetic person I've met in my life so maybe that's how you get it all done! lol