Sunday, March 18, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas Eve

So, we are carrying on my family tradition and the kids are opening their Christmas Eve gift, their PJ's!

Dad and Carter watching from the sidelines

Ava, being very enthusiastic about Easton's new pajamas

Showing off their pj's

Carter thinking.."where are mine!"

Easton wanting a picture of himself....cute boy!

Ava wanting the same

We couldn't have a picture without Carter in his pj's!! He is wearing a pair I made for Ayden and Gavin on their 2nd Christmas!

Jordan set up our little tikes nativity set we got from his mom a few years ago and tried to tell the nativity story to the kids using the set. We then sang some Christmas songs and their favorite was Silent Night.

We had a yummy ham Christmas dinner and Afterwards had pie and our family favorite Egg Nog, another Simmons family tradition and recipe.  Seriously, if you don't like Egg Nog, I can almost guarantee you will like this!! It is per every 1/2 gallon of egg nog, you add I small tub of whip cream and a 1/2 a gallon of vanilla bean ice cream!! Delicious!

MMMM love those Egg Nog grins!

Had to get this smile in because  at 3 in the morning after putting together the kids toys for Christmas he didn't quit look like this!

Christmas Morning!!


This was Ava opening her box with all the Disney Princess Barbies in it!

My mom and Dad gave my kids a little Tike BBQ and my mom made them these aprons and hats to go with it, they loved them!

The boys opening their noisy tools, I don't know why i thought this would be good...they are so loud!!

Carrying on Jordan's family tradition, abelskevers in the morning! The kids put on their aprons and hats and helped Dad out! I think their were to many chefs in the kitchen at this point!

They got a few new Kinect games, they are trying out the nickelodeon dance game, this was a cute one for them!

Afterwards we went to Jordan's Aunt and Uncle's house to have dinner with their family and his Grandparents.It was great to be able to get together with them and "visit" the best we could while trying to control our wild children! They are so great and we are grateful for them!  We had a great Christmas and enjoyed our time with our children on this fun day!

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