Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A day in the life...

Jordan's Mom is great for always having a camera on her and taking pictures of everything (especially when ours just broken)!! While she was here in May a few weeks after we had Carter she came to stay with us and took a ton of pictures. I thought it would be fun to post all the pictures she took through out the days she was here!

This is my favorite picture. Jordan is just starring a blank stare as the kids are all into the book he is "reading"

I am making a "fish noise" for my kids while reading an animal book


Little Ava posing as sweet as can be- all though we all know the camera goes away and out comes not just our sweet ava, but our wild and crazy tough little ava who can out do our boys together!

Easton always has a smile on his face and eats all morning long!

Baby Carter hanging out

Gavin who takes after his Mom and is grumpy as can be in the morning

Ayden who is up and ready to go all morning and day long!!!

Play time

Swinging ~ We wanted to make sure we got a swing set with more than 2 swings and something for them all to do while the swings were being used because they all LOVE to swing ( Easton has just recently come to like it) This swing set has worked out pretty well

Easton picking up the rocks...

And then throwing them in to the window well - that is not what we like them to do, at least these are the small rocks!

Easton playing some B-Ball

Easton has been such a relaxed kid, for the most part. If the other kids are doing things he doesn't want to do, he just doesn't do it and is pretty good about going off and doing his own thing

Gavin and his Sid from Madagascar- he sleeps with it every night with a bear he has as well

Ayden loves to be active and play all day long. Every time he gets something out, Easton wants to play as well. He always thinks what Ayden is doing looks so fun. Once Ayden gets into something, he really does well at focusing on what he is doing.

All day long he goes out side and makes sure to grab the big shovel or rake, not the ones that are his side, and shovels/rakes rocks and sand all day into things.

Even though Ava is a little bully to Easton, they have become pretty good friends. They seem to make each other laugh a lot and you can tell they have a good relationship with each other.

Ayden loves to pull the wagon and the others love to ride, so it works out well!

Easton thinks he is this big boy that can lead the way, for the most part, he does ok at listening but we eventually we have to put him in the back pack or strap him in the stroller when he decides to stop listening.

Hot Chocolate after a their walk on a cold and windy day

Snack Time

Easton is trying to watch TV while eating his snack

My kids posing for the camera while eating their snack

Yummy, Yogurt!!

Licking the lid

The picture Jordans mom took at first...

And then Gavin made her take another one while he posed =)

Singing songs at the table to keep them entertained at the table

Jordan being Super Dad while I was out at the store with Carter

I swear out of every batch of pictures we have, we have at least one picture of Ava with the exact same hat and look on her face!

Some random pictures

Ii think Ava is making an animal noise

Going in for the kiss, he smacks one on him, and ends with a big "MMMMAHHH"

Ayden and Ava both have these things about their hoods (Well Ava loves anything on her head) but whenever they have a shirt or coat with a hood, it will definitely be over their head!

Mrs. Thang!

1 comment:

Jess and Tom Francom said...

You are amazing lady. I feel crazy at my house everyday..... but you've really got a lot going on! And that little Ava is absolutely darling!!!! I LOVE the one in the stripes at the table.