Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial weekend!
On Saturday we went to the Toledo Zoo. This is a really great Zoo and bigger than the one in Detroit, so we have wanting to go back since we went last year. It is about an hour away, so not to bad of a drive. The weather was in the 80's so it really was a great day to be outside!! The boys favorite part of the zoo was the fish. There was an aquarium there full of fish and it was full of people so I couldn't hear them well, but every time I looked down they were making the fish noise I taught them where the stick there finger on there lips and move it up and down, I kept seeing there finger and there lips moving and then a lot of pointing and saying "fish". The boys love animals and making there noises so we got a zoo pass this year and it has been a lot of fun taking them. Ava was as sweet as ever and did really well. The boys are usually the ones in the stoller and Ava is in a sling on either me or Jordan, but since the boys wanted to walk around Ava got a turn, she looked so cute. She is growing up so fast, I can't believe she is already 4 months! At the end of the daywe went to my favorite ice cream place Friendly's!! There is not much more you can do to top the end a day like going to Friendly's!!
Travis made the Tee-pee for the wood so high that when we started the fire it was huge, Gavin got scared and was tired on top of that, so he was in his Dad's lap for most of the time.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Now Today...
I just had to talk about some cute things my boys did today.
Usually when we ask for kisses from the boys they lean their head into you, and that is their "kisses". Today I asked Ayden for some kisses and I was puckering my lips making kissing noises, just being silly, and Ayden came in straight for my lips and gave me kisses, and then wondering if it was a fluke asked him again and he came in again, it was so cute. It made me laugh and feel good..he really loves me!!! =)
Later, my camera was on the floor and Ayden picked it up out it up and held it to his eye and said "Cheese" over and over again, it was too cute as well!
Lately, when a book has a door in it, and I am going through all the objects in the picture in their books I knock on the door and say, "Knock, knock, anybody their?". Gavin was showing me a book and was about to turn the page and sees the door and knocks on it with his fist as says "knock, knock"
And then the kicker..I was changing Ava's diaper and left for a minute to get her bottle and her Pj's and this is what I came back to...
My boys decided she wasn't clean enough and wanted to help with changing her diaper...what good little helpers. They unddid her diaper grabbed the wipes and got her nice and clean.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Feb was a month of exciting news for us!
YES it is true, I am pregnant!! 14 weeks to be exact!We found out 10 days after Sweet Ava came into our home. It was quit a surprise to see that yes on the stick. I was excpecting the "No" response I typically got when I thought I might be pregnant. It was funny because it was during the weekend of my shower and Stephanie was in town (who is also pregnant). On the way back from getting the test we were talking about how funny it would be to trick Jordan and have her pee on the stick, I guess she didn't have to!
We feel like this is even more of a confirmation that Ava was supposed to be in our home. I felt such an urgency to get our papers in and had no idea why, I kept thinking to myself "are we really ready?" I know we needed to have her here before we found out the news of our pregnancy. The Lord truly knew who needed to be in our home before we could bring children into this world. I am just in shock that he let it happen so quickly. I really wonder what he is thinking, we will have 4 children all 2 and under ( and that is no 2 1/2, they will barely have turned 2!).
My first due date was November 2nd, which is Jordan's birthday. It was funny to hear his response to that. He said " There is no way I am sharing my birthday with someone else" I had to remind him he was a twin and is already sharing his birthday, a minor detail he forgot about! Guess you're not too important Travis. =) We have switched doctors just because of the choice of hospital we wanted to go to and the other due date is not much different, but is Oct. 31, Halloween!! So I don't think we will have trouble forgetting either date.
We wanted to spread the good news, and yes it is good news. We have faith that the Lord knows what he is doing. My thought is that he already tried to teach me patience, now that I still haven't conquered it, he is forcing it on me. Here is My 14 week belly. It's at the end of the night so in the morning it is typically a little smaller, once the food starts coming it fills out pretty quick!
Some more fun Feb pictures I came across
Never a moments rest for our little Ayden. This is him first thing in the morning busy as can be, we hadn't even had a chance to change his peed through wet bum..Yuk I know!
I went to Ikea and got these drawer organizers that unzip on the bottom so they can fold flat if you're not using them. The boys had a lot of fun when I go them out. The one on Ayden looks like he is just holding it, but it is acctually hanging out around his belly, he walked around like that for a little bit.