Monday, July 28, 2008

Our Painting Weekend

WARNING: I know this may look like professional work, but I am NOT a professional!!!
Alright, well I am obviously totally joking, but I was excited about how the rooms turned out since it is only my second time painting. We have completely out grown our apartment and buying a home here in MI is not an option, for many reasons, so we will be renting a home starting in September. I am leaving for Idaho and UT on the 30th so we wanted to get everything done before I left so it would ready to move our things in when we got back.

The top left is the living room, I was excited how the color turned out and I am way excited to start decorating this room!
This is our room! The green didn't turn out as I was hoping, I kinda feel like a Celtics fan, but I did like how the stripes turned out.

I was really excited how the boys room turned out, it was a lot of taping!! The colors match their Dinosoar bedding. (Don't worry the stripes are supposed to be different sizes!)
And finally the kitchen. Just yellow, but I really like it with the curtains that I made. Ok, I had to throw that in there, I was excited about them, but we all know curtains can be pretty dang easy to make, I just really loved the fabric.

Jordan's mom and his little brother drove here from NJ to help paint and watch the kids, it was so helpful. It was nice to spend time with them and on top of that Jordan's mom was so kind to watch the kids while we all went to the Drive-In, we set Ben up on a date and had a lot of fun!

With their help and help from Kassie and Travis we would not have had it done with all of the interruptions with the boys and their schedule and the interruptions with work and school for Jordan.
We Learned how to take wall paper off, it's miserable!

The boys did so well, they had to adjust and take naps out of their cribs and on the floor. Let's just say, they were happy to finally be back on their normal schedule, but they did the best the could, I was proud of them!

We are so excited to have a basement for the boys to play in and have a place to put their toys rather than on the family room floor for everyone to walk all over. We are still working on organizing it, but it's a start! It will also be especially nice to have a fenced off back yard for the boys to play in as they grow and get older. We'll be here a few more years until Jordan Graduates so this will definitely make living here in MI a lot more comfortable!

We also FINALLY got to go to a Mom-to-Mom sale, my new found love! They haven't had any for the past few months and the boys have been in need of some more toys, so I have been patiently waiting. Jordan's mom sent me and Kassie with some money to get some toys for her to bring home so they would have more at her house, which is a big mistake. Never send two girls in shopping money if you don't want it spent because that is exactly what we did. I have to say well spent though, we got some good stuff for Grandma's house and the kids had a good time with them before she brought them home.

To finally end our week before we all left for vacation, Kassie and I got a chance to do hair! Ever since she moved here we have had hair days. It seriously does take all day with the interruptions of our kids. I'll cut and color her hair and she'll color mine. I now have two stylist, I taught Jordan how to do my hair first and Kassie next, they do a great job, with some help of course! Jordan use to do it, but he likes this trade off between me and Kassie better, I don't know why! Kassie always gets nervous doing my hair, but she has always done a great job. I have to say it's a lot better than going in a getting my hair done. It's so expensive and half the time it's not even THAT great that I felt it should be as much as it was. I hate having to pay for something I know how to do. The kids were so funny this time and did so well. The girls got into my clothes and shoes and played dress up while the boys followed Haven everywhere!! It was very cute. And finally Ellie let me do her hair!! It has taken a long time for her to let me touch it, I was so excited!


Laura said...
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Travis, Kassie, Ellie and Haven said...

Love the boys room, it turned out so good, can't wait to see it with their cribs in it.

K and M said...

It is so strange to see the house I've known as the Isaak's for the past three years look so different now! But I have to say, I love what you did with it. It looks really great. I know how much work painting and removing wallpaper can be and I'm impressed.

MKB said...

Love the paint job...I wish Brent would let me paint our house. And your nieces hair is so cute...I'll let you do my hair while you are in town.

The Gibson's said...

Wow that's a lot of work. I hate painting. I love the boys room it's great.

Anonymous said...

I love the boys room! You have so much patience...we did horizontal stripe in Max's room and that was all I could handle. It was fun to see an update on your family. What fun memories you are making!

Laura said...

love all the painting, especially the boys room. come and paint zack and lincs rooms next!

John and Danielle said...

So I was thinking about you and hadnt checked your blog for a while, sorry! So...Congrats on the adpotion, congrats on the house, and can I hire you to come paint mine??? We have been in our house for 2 years and I haven't picked up a paint brush yet!!

T and B said...

You guys did such an awesome job! I love the colors that you chose. Have fun decorating!

Dayna said...

chandra that looks professional! I love it! If I ever buy a house I will have you come and paint it for me! :) Also, I am so sorry that I missed your big weekend with sealing the boys to you! I am in New York and I was so sad when I got your email saying what you were doing. Just know that I was thinking about you this weekend and I hope that everything was amazing!


Donna said...

Hi - I found you guys through a comment on someone's else's blog.

I LOVE your family! Congrats on the boys, they are so handsome!

We adopted twin identical boys, too. It took over a year and we finally brought them home (from Guatemala) at 14 months.

It has been so much fun! Hope you don't mind, I might be stopping back by.