Sunday, March 20, 2011

Some random and fun pics from Feb!

So, Ava cracks me up! I am sure a lot of little girls and little boys dress up like this and think it is so fun, but for me this is a first and it is so fun to watch.

Ava was watching her Disney Princess sing-a-long show and she was being so funny. She does a great job of trying to copy all the dance moves and sings each song as best as she can! She even gets the owl "hoo hooing" in the middle of the sleeping beauty song "I know you I walked with you once upon a dream..." She is hilarious!

She plays so well, especially when everyone else is asleep and it is only her. When the boys are up she gets overwhelmed with them telling her "No" all the time and taking things from her that her concentration gets a little shorter and the whining comes in!

Ayden and Ava are very much alike, very active and wired!! They play really well, for the most part and have a lot of fun rough housing. She really gets along with all them well, she is the leader of the pack and is also always trying to wrestle with Gavin. Gavin does really well with trying to play and read books with the younger ones. They do always have their moments, that is for sure!

Ava has been wanting to wear hats all winter, so I have been trying to do hair du's that don't give her crazy hair as soon as she takes it off. We tried braids on this day, I thought they turned out pretty cute, but as soon as she had her nap it was over!

Easton kills me with his squinty little smile, I can't get enough of it!! He is a very funny boy that definitly has determination just like all my other kids. "This is his climbing in everything that looks like a bucket stage", so here he is in a wagon full of legos!

This picture I thought was so funny. I was trying to get a picture of Ava with her braids, and there Easton is int he background smiling for the picture!

1 comment:

Matt and Tommi +4 said...

They are all SO cute! A house full of blessings!