Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 2010 Family Pictures

We have finally decided it was time to get an updated family picture. Actually, I bought these cute matching outfits for the kids and couldn't resist. The day we got our pictures taken, happened to be the day that our air conditioner went out and it was like the hottest most humid day ever. So, these pictures will be added to our memorable imperfect picture collage for a couple of reasons. A) Jordan is sun burned from golfing the day before, B) my hair is flat and I seriously had 10 min including my shower to get ready, C) along with my flat hair, I hate my bangs!, and D) are kids forgot how to smile.

Ayden (age: 2 yrs 9 mo.)
Gavin (age: 2yrs 9 mo.)

Ava (age: 17 mo.)
Easton (age: 8mo.)


Lindy and Bryce Ellsworth said...

You have such a beautiful family! I miss you! I know your coming to Boise soon, but I forgot when, so make sure to call me so we can get together when your here. Love and miss you lots!

Donna said...

Ack!! I LOVE those outfits!! Pls share where you found 'em!

And Ack!! WHAT did you do with your twins!?! Who are those LITTLE BOYS who snuck there way into your family? Gosh - they've grown so much! ;-(

I think all the pictures are great! You can see their personalities BOOMING! So much fun! ...and a wee bit exhausting, I bet! ;-) Thanks for sharing 'em.