Monday, February 1, 2010

Christmas 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

We find changes happening through each year of our marriage and it is so hard being so far away from family and friends to share in the joy of all that goes on. We love this time of year because we get to reflect on everything that has occurred over the last twelve months and look forward to a whole new year ahead. We find the big changes in our lives seem to be coming in pairs of two these days. We have two new additions to our family this year. Ava and Easton will both be celebrating their first Christmas’ with us.

Ava was born the end of January and we brought her home when she was two weeks old. Ten days later we found out I was pregnant with Easton, they are nine months apart! This has been a huge adjustment to our family and everyday seems to be a new adventure; life seems to never slow down these days! This year we will be celebrating Christmas for the first time at home without all the hustle and bustle of traveling that usually comes around this season. We have been very home bound these days and I think I will actually miss all the traveling, at least I think I will. When it comes to traveling I tend to always forget the torture it was the time before and remember only in the moment how hard it is and wonder if it’s worth it!

Jordan is in his last year of school. He will be taking a few extra credits to help ensure he will be done by December. So he has been working hard at home, work and school. He is definitely a busy man and although he feels like he does not do well at balancing it all, he does, and I am so proud of him and we are so grateful for all he does for us!

Chandra is at home with all 4 kids attempting to keep all kids happy, but knowing that is impossible!! She is learning with any attempt to get anything done besides playing with my kids that there is a time and season for everyone and everything and this next year her time will be spent in the play room watching classic movie favorites such as: The Wiggles, “Barney, Bear and the Big Blue House, and the kids’ personal favorite “The Muppets sing- a -long Things that Fly”. These days she is learning more and more that she doesn’t need to do everything on her own and it is ok to have a little help. She has been so grateful for all the service that has been extended to our family. She is enjoying the opportunity to be at home tending to her children; she loves them each very much and would not change her life for a moment!

Ayden (2 yr) is very mischievous and always on the go. He is full of energy and excitement for food and life. He constantly has an agenda of his own and loves to be the center of attention. He is finally binky free and learning new words every day. He always wants to be a part of whatever is going on and is our big helper with everything even when his assistance is not needed! =) His tool of choice is his trusty stepping stool; it’s amazing the things he can reach with an additional 8 inches.

Gavin (2 yr) is our very observant and particular little man. He can’t stand strings hanging from his shirt or little hang nails on his finger. If there is something in your hair that is so small you wouldn’t even know it was there, Gavin is there to help ensure he gets it out and is persistent until it’s gone. He will definitely help things be orderly around here as he gets older! He is very much into reading and coloring and he too is binky free!!! His vocabulary is growing every day as well and we love it. He has recently learned to climb out of his crib and into Ayden’s, so he is now currently in a toddler bed and is adjusting very well.

Ava(11 mo.) is our sweet little princess is growing up so fast. She is such a happy, sweet, observant little girl; she adds so much to our family. She is down to the same nap schedule as the boys and is now working on her walking skills. She can pull herself up and push herself with a walker and is so proud of her accomplishment. We are hoping she will be walking on her own soon and we are sure she is anxious for that day as well so she can protect herself from her very loving, but overbearing brothers! She is constantly looking for others to give her a smile and will stare them down until they do - she loves the attention. She loves giving her special open mouth kisses, which is great, especially during this flu season. Her current love in life is the Bear in the Big Blue House show; she can’t get enough of that bear and cracks a smile and a little giggle every time she sees him. She is such a patient little girl and brings a special little spirit into our home. We had the beautiful experience of being sealed to Ava in the Boise temple. The spirit that we felt while in the sealing room holding all of our children knowing we would be together for Eternity is a feeling we will never forget. We were so grateful for all the friends and family that came to join us to celebrate such a special day.

Easton (2 mo.) is full of smiles and Heavenly Father knew the right little spirit to bring into our home. Easton is such a sweet, calm little man. He is so patient and is always last at getting fed, changed, or attended to and he waits with such calmness and with a smile on his face. My Grandma always spoke of Jordan’s smiling eyes that she loved and I see the same thing in Easton, he just gets such a sweet little look on his face whenever we are holding him and looking at him, he loves being held and looked at, it’s hard to ever put him down.

We are so grateful for family and friends and for all the love and support we have received from those who are close and those that are so far away. We are grateful for the spirit that is felt this time of year and the time we have to reflect on all the things the Lord has provided and blessed us with. We are grateful for our Savior and the constant love we feel from him. We hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas and are enjoying the spirit of Christmas as much as we are.

Love always,

The Smiths - Jordan, Chandra, Ayden, Gavin, Ava and Easton

It is getting to hard and costing way to much money to travel these days, so this year was our first Christmas at home. Travis and Kassie were at home as well, so we spent Christmas Eve at their house where they made us a yummy meal. For those of you who can't tell the difference, this is Jordan's twin brother Travis holding both babies.

Our new niece little Rylee Ann - she is only 3 weeks younger than Easton- she is beautiful!

Jordan being a good Uncle and Dad and playing with the kids

Kassie helped the kids decorate cookies before we left, my boys had a lot of fun, they had never done that before.

Christmas jammies!!

The three boys

Gavin and Easton

Ayden and Easton - Ayden gets so excited around Easton and gets even more excited when he gets to hold him, he is just so dang rough and tries so hard not to be. Little Easton is trying so hard not to freak out - Aydens face in the last pictures kills me, he loves Easton so much and loves being a big brother.

Easton slept through the morning while the boys opened gifrts - Ava was still sleeping, poor girl was not feeling well from her infected toe.

Opening stocking gifts

My boys LOVE books, they always have to have one where ever they go, especially Gavin. This picture was awesome because it is a regular occurance that happends. He picks up his book and looks at it upside down and every time I say "Gavin, your books upside down" He looks up ans says "Oh" and then turns it the right way.

Blowing bubbles with is bubble whistle

Showing off his snowman pez
unwrapping gifts

Again, another great picture of Gavin. He found a hang nail in the middle of unwrapping gifts and stopped to pick it! A typical Gavin moment.
Little Ava finally woke up. She wasn't feeling well so the boys helped her out with all her gifts.

Jordan surprised me with my stocking gift "She's Out of Control" one of my favorite 80's movies

Christmas Day we were invited to a friends house for dinner- it was a lot of fun and nice to get out. We had been so couped these last few months with just having a baby and sick kids

The kids Christmas church clothes- these were all the shots we took- it was the best we could do! But dang they are all still so cute! I love them.

And finally Aydens monkey face! He is our little jokester


Christina and Cory said...

Easton is getting so big. Everyone looks so cute in their Christmas outfits. What a beautiful family :) Love you and miss all of you.

The Elders said...

hey chandra! i talked to your mom on sunday. it was so funny cause she was sitting in front of mark and i in the last hour cause it was combined and i was looking at her wondering why she looked so familiar. then it occurred to me that she looks like you and i remember seeing pics of her on your blog but i couldn't remember what your dad looked like. so i told mark that that looks like your mom. then she came up to me and once she said my name i was like "your chandra's mom!" now i know why i saw your sister. anyway it was fun talking to her and maybe one of these days we will see you at our ward. kind of cool! take care!

Dayna said...

Chandra the kiddos are adorable. Way to go! I think you are so great as a mom I can tell! I hope that life is going well for you and know that I am thinking of you!

Nicole said...

Glad you had such a great Christmas. Your kids are getting so big and they are so adorable. I miss you!

Carlie Sue said...

Chandra! So glad I found you on the blogging world. Looks like things are crazy and great at your house! I hope you don't mind if I add you on my blog as one to keep in touch with - you guys are so great!