Friday, November 27, 2009

A day in the life...

A day in the life of the Smith home (with Jordan home, by myself you would see more faces like the one below)

This was right after bath time when we are changing diapers and getting everyone in their Pj's. Jordan is trying to keep wiggly Ava down while he changes her diaper and puts desitin on her I am behind the camera trying to keep Gavin and his germy hands away from Easton (Gavin is sick at the moment) and Ayden is right next to me throwing a little tantrum that only Ayden knows why he is throwing it!

I am not gonna is hard!

This picture does not do me any justice. I looked at the picture after I took it, and and I could not get the real effect. I have 2 huge bags of laundry on the couch plus that huge load of laundry on the floor and what you can't really see is the large pile of dirty diapers piling up because I have not had the chance to get a grocery bag to stick them in. And on the bottom right is their Pj's from the morning (it is now night time) that have not yet made it to the laundry basket. I am sure every home looks like this at one point or it is overwhelming!!


Donna said...

Girl (and Jordan).....I can't even begin to imagine!! I've been where you were with just the twins - add to more babies - swoo! But I'm so glad you're blogging about this. now. While you're living it - so that you'll be able to remember it when it's a distant memory! lol

Ava's pics are awesome!!! Amazing! She's "grown" and looks so darn adorable.

Okay - you need to blog about the things people must ask you or say to you when you're out and about - I can imagine you get some doozies!

Julie G. said...

Chandra, I can't even imagine what your life is like! Twins are hard enough, but at least they are the same age and going through the same developmental stages at the same time. To throw in two more babies that are close in age, but in totally different stages....good grief girl!! You have to be super mom. Wow. I had a friend tell me, just take it one hour at a time. Hopefully you have some good help!

Jason Both said...

Do you even take them out? That would be an interesting post. Four kids in diapers. I can't imagine how many boxes you buy a month.

Laura said...

My house looks awful compared to that!

The best part is, that you ARE surviving, and that whats matters. Your kids are so darn adorable, cant wait to see them next!

Jens and Patricia said...

I seriously can't imagine! Cute kids tho!

TysonandMarthaGerber said...

"How do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time" is a quote that comes to mind today. The lord will always test you - but not break you. Please keep blogging about your experience - it is so inspiring and a good outlet. it's good to be honest.