Monday, December 12, 2011

Ayden and Gavin turn 4!!!!!

Ayden's Stats:
Head Circumference: 15.4 in (41%)
Weight: 37.04 lbs (59%)
Height: 41.14 in. (67%)

Ayden is a hand full that is for sure! He is always busy doing anything he can think of!! He is such a sweet boy who is always willing to do things for others.  If I ask him to grab something for me he does not hesitate (most of the time).  He is always smiling and is easy to make laugh. He gets really excited about things, and is always wanting to go to the store, or do something other than be at home.  He is a very athletic little boy that catches onto active activities really well.  He is timid to try new things, but is definitely getting braver everyday! He loves to eat and i am not sure how hungry this kid is, because if he is really hungry as many times as he is asking for food it is unbelievable!!! This kid has a never ending hole in his stomach!!  We love this mischievous boy so much and we are so grateful he is ours!

Gavin's Stats:
Head Circumference: 15.1 in. (30%)
   Height: 40.94 in. (62%)
Weight: 35.94 lbs (49%)

 Gavin loves to play with his siblings.  If he wasn't teasing them all the time, he might be the perfect brother. He loves to help with Carter, it's just getting Carter on the band wagon that is the problem!! He does really well at helping his siblings out (when he is in the mood!).  He is a smart little boy and is doing so well at using his words. He catches on to things really well and loves to analyze all the pictures in books. He gets a little frustrated when he is trying more active activities, but if he gets a little one on one help to figure it out he gets a lot more confident. He is truly a sweet little boy with so much love to share and we love him so much!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Ty has that same shirt! LOVE it! And OMGosh! 4 years old!!! Seems like just yesterday I was with ya in Michigan and they were itty bitty! LOVE them and you all! XOXO