Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Splash Park

We have been trying out the splash park for the last few years and this was a successful year! We found a great one close to our house that is perfect! The splash park is perfect for toddlers and the park is steps away and again perfect for toddlers. I love that there is nothing in between the 2 areas and I can see where my kids are at all times. My kids hang around me if it's to crowded, and slowly venture out as they watch Ava got out with out a problem! When it's not crowded they are out there playing with out hesitation! It is great to be able to go somewhere that they feel I am close enough by them that they can still go out to play. If any one knows my kids, they stick by me pretty close, so this is a chance for me to just sit and them to have fun.

Carter loves to be outside, but when he is sleeping he sleeps best in my sling when we are out and about

But when he's awake he is chillin in his car seat enjoying being outside with everyone else!

The splash pad

The slides - all the older kids take cups and dump water down to make them more slippery, I was nervous about Easton going down, but he handles himself so well and does great on this play set!

He really makes me nervous when he tries to do all the things his siblings do, but again, he proves every time what a big boy he is becoming!

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