Tuesday, October 18, 2011

July 2011 Misc.

So this was funny, not that he was not doing what he was supposed to, but the story.  For awhile when we would put the the kids down and then go downstairs to clean up, Ayden would quietly sneak out of his room and find things to bring into his room to play with.   It was getting pretty bad, I had it after the last two things we caught him with.  First it was our camera, which we found the incriminating evidence of these and many more photos, and a few videos of the boys talking trying to figure this contraption out! And what made me just loose it is when he snuck into our bedroom and got my cricut machine and brought it into his room to play with and I found him trying to stick things in it.  Ok, those are pretty expensive and he knew he was being SOOOO naughty!! So we finally got a lock for their door and unscrewed their light bulbs so he could quit turning them on and that nipped the problem in the butt pretty quick!

Carter is so smilie!! I love it!! The kids all love him and are always wanting to play and hold him, I just don't think at this time in Carter's life the feeling goes both ways, at least int he playing department! You can tell he does know them and loves them...from a distance!

The swing and the vibrating bouncer are his favorite places to sleep!

 So this is a pretty typical summer evening right about bed time.  The kids are playing...

Someone sees a bug, in this case, it was Ayden.  The others come to see...

And if it were one of the big crickets that have been around, they would be piling and throwing rocks on it!!  Ava is not afraid and sometimes squishes them with her finger and then comes to show us so we can get it off!

Ava and Easton are such cute little biddies!! Here they are giving each other hugs and kisses!!

They play the best when it is just the two of them and they don't have the distraction of teasing older brothers!

So this hat was in Ava's doll clothes bin which is mostly full of things from when I was little. I honestly think as a child I used this for my dolls, but I think this was a hat my mom used when we were little on us.  Well, each morning and after naps this is what we find on her head!!

 These days my kids like to jump off anything and everything!! It is funny to watch them do it off the fireplace, Easton is always trying to keep up and I think even though it's not that high it's a little scary for him.  So he gets up on the ledge, scoots his body carefully off the ledge, and then slams his foot on ground as if he jumped off...that is his "jump", he thinks he is pretty cool


 Having poporn for a snack on the steps


Driving to get a bountiful basket for the first time I discovered this neighborhood close by that had 3 really cool play grounds right by each other, so we decided when I got home to try them out!


I love this bottom look of Eastons.  It is his half smile, he is trying not to smile, but proud of himself look

 on this day we were just feeling behind as usual on the cleaning, so Jordan took all 5 kids for a walk while I stayed home to clean.  What a man - One child on back, one on front  and pushing a stroller of 3!!

 This is what I love about Utah, it is not to far from Boise and it is a place that others travel to!
In this case I had a good friend from high school coming down to Park City with her family for vacation so we went down to see them.  They were staying at a lodge and I always have concerns with my kids and never knowing how an outing will go with them.  I was worried they would get down there and get ancy and wrestless, but decided to try it out and they did great.  Her kids are similar in age and all close together like ours and the pool worked out just fine because the stairs went in pretty far and my kids didn't want to go any further than that.  So jordan hung out with Carter and who ever came out of the pool and I stayed by the steps with my kids and my friend and her kids to chat.  I am so bad with getting pictures I brought it  specifically to get one with her, but when things get busy with the kids I forget! So I only got some of the kids in the pool.  It's alright, next time because I am sure there will be a next time! Thanks Jeni, it was a lot of fun to see you and your family!!

 AFter being pregnant and huge there aren't alot of days you feel cute.  This is a day I was like, alright I'm getting better until I got the camera out and reality hit!! We took like 50 of these and I hated all of them of me, but my husband sure looked handsome! =)