Sunday, August 21, 2011

Visits from friends and family

There are a handful of great friends that I stay in touch with as they years go on and this is one of them. This is my friend Tess who was my roommate before I got married and although we talk probably a few times a year, when we are together it's like no time passed with the exception of a few kids! She came to town from CA to visit her sister and stopped by our home to stay for a few nights as well. Her kids were so cute and it was so fun to have her here. I am grateful for her friendship and the time from her trip she took to come visit!

Her son on the teeter- totter with our boys

Our Sister-in-Law and kids came to Utah for a month to visit her family, and they stopped by to stay the night when they arrived. Our kids were so excited to see them, they have grown up with their family in Michigan and these are the cousins and aunt they know the most. So even though it was late when they got here, all the kids went out and played for a little bit in the backyard.

The next day they were leaving at noon to head down South so the kids got in as much play time with there cousins that they could get and Kassie took a lot of great pictures of all the kids while they played, I am glad because I only took a few (you can tell which pictures she took and which ones I took, her camera is way better!)!

The kids looking over the fence at the neighbors dogs!

Getting some snack time in

I love how his smile gets bigger and bigger

Some cute picks Kassie got of our kids

Our Boys!

And of course Our little Princess!

We were happy that we got to see them when we did, even if it was for a short time, it is so fun watching all of our kids play together

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