Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Moments from June

Well, Carter is 2 months old and started smiling right at the beginning of June and has not stopped since. He loves to be talked to and smiles at everyone who looks his way. I love his 3 dimples(2 on the left and one on the right side) you can see them best in the top 2 pictures. He loves his siblings and loves the moments they are not being crazy and sit and talk to him.

We all love our sweet Baby Carter and can't get enough of him

Here he is smiling at his brothers

This is one of my favorite pictures

The boys loving their little brother

Cutting paper, one of the things that gets my kids quiet, at least for a little bit
So, I promise I am not as bad as a mom as it looks with those scissors in Ayden's hands. They are broken and only close half way, and the other scissors my kids use are the kid ones =)

Easton joining in with some coloring. He loves being a part of the crowd!

So this little Monster Princess is a force to be reckoned with. If we don't duck tape her before she goes to bed, the minute the door shuts she strips down and takes her diaper off. Her nap time adventures range from peeing on the floor/bed to finger painting the walls with poop! At first we duck taped her diaper and she learned that she could still just squeeze her way out of it. We then made a sash around her on her pj's, she learned she could unzip her pj's so far and still squeeze her way out of them to then get to her diaper and take it off!! So we have had to get creative. She has no problem with us taping her up, and she was more than happy to model it for the camera!

Her work of art

Gavin can be such a sweet brother, and he can also be such a little tease to all his siblings. This is one of his sweeter moments! I am sure his teasing is with love! =)

Our little terrors!

And all the pictures we tried to take just to have them all looking at the camera!!

And little Carter still smiling

And when life gets too tough....he sleeps =)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Visits from friends and family

There are a handful of great friends that I stay in touch with as they years go on and this is one of them. This is my friend Tess who was my roommate before I got married and although we talk probably a few times a year, when we are together it's like no time passed with the exception of a few kids! She came to town from CA to visit her sister and stopped by our home to stay for a few nights as well. Her kids were so cute and it was so fun to have her here. I am grateful for her friendship and the time from her trip she took to come visit!

Her son on the teeter- totter with our boys

Our Sister-in-Law and kids came to Utah for a month to visit her family, and they stopped by to stay the night when they arrived. Our kids were so excited to see them, they have grown up with their family in Michigan and these are the cousins and aunt they know the most. So even though it was late when they got here, all the kids went out and played for a little bit in the backyard.

The next day they were leaving at noon to head down South so the kids got in as much play time with there cousins that they could get and Kassie took a lot of great pictures of all the kids while they played, I am glad because I only took a few (you can tell which pictures she took and which ones I took, her camera is way better!)!

The kids looking over the fence at the neighbors dogs!

Getting some snack time in

I love how his smile gets bigger and bigger

Some cute picks Kassie got of our kids

Our Boys!

And of course Our little Princess!

We were happy that we got to see them when we did, even if it was for a short time, it is so fun watching all of our kids play together

Carter's 3 mo. Pics

4 month stats
Weight: 16.53 lbs (80%)
Length: 25.98 in. (84%)
HC: 16.1 in (15%)

So on this occasion we had a lot going on for the next couple of weekends, so I decided to take the kids for Carters pictures by myself instead of leaving the others home with Jordan. Let me tell you I will NEVER make that mistake again (I always say that and then do it again, whatever!)! It was to say the least HELL! It was an overwhelming morning, however, aren't they so cute....

Carter is growing so fast I can't believe how the time is passing by!! Now for me, it is not necessarily a bad thing!! I am a woman of structure, I need schedules! So, as cute as he is, and as sweet as a baby he is, it will be awesome when he is about 1 years old, and things kinds of stay the same. I feel like babies are always changing with when they nap, when they eat, what they eat.....it throws me for a loop every time!

AT 2 months Carter started smiling and hasn't stopped! Especially in the mornings, he is definitely a morning person like his Dad, because I sure am not! But at 3 months he just seemed so much happier. The scheduled fussy time from 6-9 stopped and he just seemed to fuss when he was tired, hungry, or a dirty diaper. I think it helped that at this point all his acid reflux medicine was figured out and in his system. With Easton and his acid reflux, it took us a lot longer to figure out what was even wrong, so this time we knew the signs and what to do. Because of it we just kind of let him do what he wants. I pump so if he wants to nurse, he nurses, I always try that first, and if he is struggling, we give him a bottle, which at times he struggles with as well, but easier to deal with when all the other kids are needing help. When he first turned 3 months he cooed a lot, and now towards the end he is making a lot more sounds and trying his best to communicate. He, for the most part, loves having his siblings around. You can tell he is really interested in all the noises they are making. But after awhile he has had enough and is ready for me to take him away from all the craziness by picking him up. He is almost 4 months now and I can tell he is getting ready to get on a schedule of naps. He will never just let me lay him down in his crib, he likes the swing or the bouncer with the vibration in it, to put him to sleep and for naps, that I don't move him, but at night after being in it for a little bit, he lets me transfer him to his bed. He sleeps alright. It just depends on the day, sometimes he gives me better stretches than others. but typically he gets fed at midnight,4 and then 6. He is kicking his legs a lot and loves it when he can sit up and check out the scenery from a different angle than from on his back! He is a sweet boys with a sweet smile on his face all the time. I love his 3 dimples!! We are grateful for him and know he is going to fit in with the other 4 just fine!