Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I can't believe it's almost March!!

I can't believe it is almost March! These last few months have just flown by and I can't tell you how grateful I am for that. I know people say you are supposed to live in the present, well I don't, I live in the future of what is to come! In a year Jordan will be done with school and all of our babies will be that much closer to being at least a little more independant than they are. I love my children, but they are definintley handfuls and I am not going to lie I have a lot of hard and overwhelming days with zero time for my self to do anything, even just sitting at the computer for even a minute sets me back and I pay for it later either because I wasn't watching what my kids were doing and now I have double the clean up, I have made them and me frustrated because they want me and I want a minute to sit, or I am up way past my bed time which would be 7 if I could at all possibly get to bed at that time, but it would be impossible.

Easton is a sweet, smiley little boy. He does have some acid reflux problems that have caused me added stress that I wish I didn't have to deal with, but overall is a good boy. The biggest problem with him so far has been that he won't go to anyone but me. Along with all my other children climbing all over me I have become clostrophobic to my kids. He also needs to be held ALL the time. We switched up his medication for his acid reflux which has helped out a little and I am waiting to see as he has been on this medication a little longer if it will get even better. It seems like all of my children as babies have felt the need to think I have nothing else in life to do but hold them, so I am used to always having a baby on my hip. It must be me causing this problem! When I was pregnant and Ava was more of a baby than she is now ( she is more in the stages of transitioning into a toddler so I can't quite not say "when she was a baby" quite yet) I would mow the lawn with ava in my sling and my belly sticking out, it was the easiest way. She too would not let me put her down. My husband is a good man and would always tell me not to mow the lawn, he would do it, but really, he was so busy with school that it wouldn't get done very often so I was fine with doing it, but he always would stress for me not to, so no bad thoughts about him not doing it.

Anyway, I just wish I had a moment to just sit with out a baby on me. Last Friday I wanted to go to the temple, but I did not want to leave Jordan on his own with all 4 kids. Again, I really do have a wonderful husband who knew what hell he would be put through being all alone with the kids and a baby who cries just looking at him, but insisted he would be fine and would be more than willing to do it. But I didn't feel like it was fair to him or to our kids to do that, so we called his brother over to help out. It turns out Easton screamed the entire time I was gone, I felt really bad.

At night when we are done putting the 3 older kids down I am feeding and rocking Easton, while, if Jordan is home, cleaning up, which takes twice as long doing it alone. And by the time all that is done sometimes I am able to lay Easton in his crib and get maybe an hour to myself (which is sometimes spent running to the store for groceries) until he starts crying because he wants us in bed with him. Seriously, it is a good dang thing I love him. The good thing about all this, is these are all similar situations we had with our other kids so it's not much different. Ava was the only one who slept with us in our bed for about a week and then was done, she realized being able to sprawl out in her own bed was much better. She is our most independant child.

Here is a few are a few pictures of the stages that Easton goes through when being held by Jordan...

Is this normal? the only difference with Easton than with our other children has been that he is Breast fed; could that make a difference? He cries every time he is holding him, he does a little better if he is facing away from him, it's really sad and frustrating.


JoJo said...

I wish I could help you. You are right, these are the years of survival for you I think. And I know you get to enjoy little moments here and there when your adorable kids do adorable things. Hang in there girl!

The Bennett's Tall Tales and True Stories said...

Hey Chandra....we're having the same experience with Liam. He cries whenever Isaac holds him unless he's asleep. I think it is because he's breastfed...he knows who supplies the milk! With Max he was formula fed and had no issues like this...because we both fed thoughts. Hang in there lady! When spring comes it will be least I'm hoping so and I only have two! :)

Kellen, Kathy said...

Shade used to only go to me, now he almost prefers Kellen! So who knows? Does Easton ever take a bottle? Perhaps an occaisional bottle from Jordan could help. Shade was also breastfed, but Kellen gave him probably one bottle each day. It gave them bonding time and gave me a break!

Tara G. said...

How sad! (& stressful) It doesn't help that Jordan is so busy with school and work. We had the same problem with our kids when I was nursing...I think they can smell the milk and they know who the suppliers are :) Babies are so smart. Sometimes when I was nursing and Josh was being held by Nick he was fine, then I would walk by and he would start wimpering and crying. I hope it gets better for you!

The Magnificents said...

Chan, have you tried pumping? Maybe if Jordan fed him a bottle of breast milk, it would help.
Good Luck and hang in there. You are a strong woman!

Marianne said...

I hope I'm not freaking you out, but I accidently found your blog from Jessi Francom's. We just adopted a baby boy about eight months ago; he's african american and we're white, so I was immediately intrigued when I saw your family picture. Your blog is so cute, and I can tell you take great joy in being a mom, even when it's harder than heck. Thanks for the inspiration!

Jason Both said...

My middle and youngest children were like that too. They pretty much didn't want anything to do with Jason untill they were nine or ten months old. I think it was the breastfeeding thing. I was their food source and they didn't want me out of their sight.