Saturday, June 5, 2010

Easton at 6 months


Weight- 19lbs 10.5 oz. (75%)
Height- 27 3/4 in. (90%)

Easton is growing so quickly I can't even believe it. He is sitting up and reaching and grabbing for everything. He cut his first tooth and his other one is on the way. He loves giving kisses, he is always grabbing my face with an open mouth and thena big smile on his face. He is sitting now and weather he is sitting or being held, his legs never stop kicking. He definitely knows when he wants something, and if he doesn't get it, he will let you know he's ticked. He is always laughing at his brothers and sister from afar, but knows he doesn't want them to close. His favorite is when they sing to him and when Ava dances. He is still a little Mama's boy, but goes to Daddy a lot more and even lets him rock him more often and even feed him yogurt in the morning. Easton is always full of very big smiles for everyone and is such a sweet little boy. There is not a lot of guessing any more with what he wants his is pretty transparent, for me anyway. He loves food, but is especially loving "real food". He has had chicken, BBQ pork, noodles, potatoes and some hot dogs. Every time we are eating he is always trying so hard to get it, so we give him the things he can eat, but obviously in tiny little bits, but he does a dang good job of eating it all at 7 months. Here are his 6 months pictures we got of him a month ago!


Faron and Erin said...

Chandra, he's gorgeous!

ErinandShane said...

Oh my goodness what a beautiful family, these pictures happen to be great! I'm glad you sent me your blog address. Feel free to check out mine.

Lindsay said...

He has adorable blue eyes. what a chunk! cute family chandra!