Friday, November 13, 2009



At the beginning of Sept. it was still so warm, it got cold way to quick after this!

Our first trip to the cider mill this year. This is one of my favorite places to go here in Michigan. I have never had such great apple cider, and the donuts are also so, so good! Each cider mill is different, this one had a few fun little areas for the boys to play.

a rare day in the Smith home when my kids are not on the go!


Our biggest news is that Easton arrived!! He is doing so well. He is now about 3 weeks old and at his 2 week appointment he was already almost a pound bigger at 9lbs 12.7 oz. There is a lot of adjusting to do in our home and we are trying to take one step at a time.

Getting some sewing done before the baby comes. The first one is for my sister-in-laws new baby, the other 2 I wanted to be able to make Easton a few blankets of his own.

We went with some friends to the cider mill, it had a little area where they could see some animas, but it was dang cold this day!


My kids are so dang cute!! Jordan did a good job. I was at the hospital with Easton for his jaundice and Jordan was on his own getting the kids all dressed and ready. My Dad arrived the night before and my mom got there just in time to help pass out candy with my Dad and Ava while Jordan took the boys out with their cousins

Our sweet little Ava Lynn started crawling. I have a video clip of her in the beginning stages of crawling. She had been crawling or scooting like that for a least a month. When I got back from the hospital after having Easton, she was a different little girl. She had perfected crawling and was much calmer about the boys being all around her, again, Heavenly Father knew I needed that. He has blessed us with such little, but great things to help us along the way as we brought home Easton!

Some days at the park. Going outside continues to be my boys favorite thing to do. I am getting worried for the snow to come, I can't really push a stroller and I'll have 2 babies who can't walk. I guess it might be back to doubling up on the backpack carrier and sling to hold them both! This double baby stage seams to never end for us!!

Ayden showing his true colors. Jordan took the boys out and took a few pictures to show me how anary they were being.

Ava turned 9 months old, she is so beautiful and is getting so big. We lover her so much, she is our sweet little princess!

Her Stats:
Height: 26 in. - 10%
Weight: 17 lbs. - 25%

This is what the boys are up to when we aren't looking. They are tearing out all the flip ups out of a book. It's sad, it was a really cute book.

A random but cute picture of Ayden with one of his favorite toys...his tool goggles


Lindy and Bryce Ellsworth said...

Chandra - It looks like life is wonderful for you all! Every picture you posted is so cute! I wish you lived closer so I could see your cute kiddos more often. How are things going with Easton? I hope well. Love and miss you everyday! Hope you have a great week! Oh, I love the blankets you made, so cute! I want to learn how to make them! Love ya!!!

Jason Both said...

Yay! I missed your last post. Congratulations! Easton is beautiful. I can just imagine you yelling at the nurse. Makes me laugh. Your husband was such a trooper to be so involved and concerned. That is discouraging to have to push so long. They say that the first delivery is usually the hardest. Can you imagine having to do that in pioneer days without vacuums, and epidurals?

Syd said...

Wow. What adorable kids you have. I am glad heavenly father is looking out for you guys. I am sure the next few weeks/years will go by in a blur, but it will be filled with joy. You are truly blessed. Wish we were there to help out and cuddle those cuties. Hugs

Jess and Tom Francom said...

Oh my!! You are amazing Chandra. I love all the pics and I am so happy that you are willing to share your fabulous stories with all your blog friends. I can't believe your delivery story, I'm so sorry that you had such a rough time. I love the pics with the kids crawling all over your hospital bed. Especially Ava holding the pizza right over the baby. So cute! I'm sure he's getting used to all his siblings being around him. I'm sending my heartfelt congratulations to you and your hubby. You are beautiful people and I admire you. (I have hard days with only one child!!) Love ya Chandra.

Amanda and the Bradys said...

oh yay i am so glad your doing better!!!! he is such a doll!!!!

Mal said...

I don't think I could say it enough how cute your kids are. Looks like you have been having lots of fun! You sure are a great mom!

Becky said...

Chan you are so talented!! Your family is adorable and your blankets are incredible! If you ever make a duplicate of your sister-in-laws I will buy it, I am in love with it!! :)